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The Mindset of an Entrepreneur

A true entrepreneur thinks differently than other people. It isn't the label of being an "entrepreneur" which makes that so but one's mindset.

Dictionary.com defines an entrepreneur as "a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal risks to do so." In other words, an entrepreneur can be described as "someone who jumps off the cliff and builds their wings on the way down."

That really embodies how the mindset of an entrepreneur works. When it comes to unexpected times, changes in business structure, and creating a new normal, being able to adapt and pivot is essential - and that is exactly why the franchise space is flourishing in many areas.

The mindset of an entrepreneur always sees the big picture and keeps an eye on the prize, thinking long-term not on just NOW, but on the "NOW PLUS." Business leaders take responsibility for their actions, successes, and wrong turns. They understand that what they do at the moment impacts what they have later. Yes, of course, entrepreneurs have to respond to what is going on in the business climate, but they continuously do so with an eye on prosperity. Entrepreneurs do not turn their backs on reality, but they look for opportunities regardless of the circumstances. As we all know, there's the familiar argument of whether a glass is half-full or half-empty. While any situation can be viewed in a positive or negative light, it is how someone acts because of the situation that makes all the difference.

In summary, an entrepreneur approaches business and life with a fresh perspective. Here are some final thoughts and words to encourage you to stay on this path:

  • Remind yourself every day that you are an entrepreneur - keep your mindset positive and behavior accordingly.
  • Remember your passion.
  • Take responsibility for your success or struggle.
  • Have a plan - be open to adapting to change.
  • Keep striving for improvement.
  • Think and act boldly.
