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Can a Franchise Be Glamorous?

Often, as a certified franchise consultants (CFC), I hear words like glamorous or sexy in terms of the type of franchise a client may want to own. Let's face it, being an entrepreneur is something to be proud of! Unfortunately, the vast majority of everyday people only know of a handful of franchise options and they're not very glamorous or sexy.

As a certified franchise consultant, I help show people just like you how to take your investment capital and put it into a real ...

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The Key to your Future

Keys are meant to open certain doors. For example, your house has a special key, and that specific key doesn't open the door to your neighbor's house.

Franchise consultants are certified in helping people find their special key to unlock a big, bright future in franchising! As a certified franchise consultant, I have been properly trained and certified to help others become franchise entrepreneurs. When someone wants to explore franchise ownership, rather than become overwhelmed by so ...

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What is a Franchise Fee?

When considering investing in a franchise, you might ask why you would pay a franchise fee. This is a common question I get as a certified franchise consultant (CFC) all the time. A franchise fee is a one-time fee charged to a new franchisee when purchasing a franchise. Franchise fees can range from a few thousand dollars to more than $50,000 and are usually paid at the time of signing a franchise agreement. In most cases, the franchise fee is non-negotiable, at least in the case of ...

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The Opportunist

Sometimes in life we will experience unexpected circumstances. Wait. Always in life we will experience unexpected circumstances. The question is, how do we respond? Are you more of a pessimist, where you see the glass half-empty and focus on the negative stigma? You're an optimist and you see the glass half-full. Or you could be an opportunist and drink the water while the others argue over the glass being half-full or half-empty.

A certified franchise consultant is specifically ...

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Building a Bridge

If you know of anyone who is afraid of bridges due to a lack of trust, they may choose a different, longer and more difficult route to reach their destination. Bridges can be scary indeed, especially if the construction isn't built correctly. For example, some bridges are built for bikes and pedestrians only. If a full-sized vehicle were to pass over a bridge such as this, the outcome more than likely would be devastating. As a franchise consultant, I help to build strong bridges between ...

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The Mindset of an Entrepreneur

A true entrepreneur thinks differently than other people. It isn't the label of being an "entrepreneur" which makes that so but one's mindset.

Dictionary.com defines an entrepreneur as "a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal risks to do so." In other words, an entrepreneur can be described as "someone who jumps off the cliff and builds their wings on the way down."

That really embodies how the mindset of an entrepreneur works. ...

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Overcome your Fears

Have you ever been in a situation where it took someone else to help you realize your potential, uncover your talents and overcome your fears? Sometimes it takes someone else to open our eyes to opportunities and give us vision while removing our fears. Similarly, certified Franchise Consultants (CFCs) are trained to help others realize they may have entrepreneurial talent hiding behind their insecurities, doubts and fears.

Is now the time for you to unveil your entrepreneurial spirit? ...

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The Best Investment

Barbara Corcoran, serial entrepreneur and host of Shark Tank USA stated, "The best investment you can make is an investment in yourself."

Yes, Barbara, you are so right! Your greatest asset is YOU. As a certified franchise consultant (CFC) I can help people realize that if they want to change their situation, they have to start with themselves.

CFCs are specifically trained to help you uncover your hidden talents and help you determine what franchise brand could be ...

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Considering Culture

Culture can be defined as the customs, attitudes and achievements within a certain group. When considering a franchise, among many other aspects, it is important to also consider the culture of the brand you are considering to be sure it is the best fit for your values and your lifestyle.

Working with a franchise professional such as a certified franchise consultant (CFC) can help bring in specialized knowledge and understanding of how important blending cultures is, especially in the ...

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Listen & Observe

As a certified franchise consultant (CFC) it is my job to listen and observe first, then plan. I work with individuals from all areas to help them become entrepreneurs through franchise ownership. Every individual I consult comes from different environments, backgrounds, lifestyle preferences, and investment levels. Therefore, it's critical to listen more, speak less and plan accordingly.

Franchise consultants are professionals who help people become franchise owners. When someone ...

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Why We Need Failure to Succeed

When you hear that someone has failed, how do you react? Many people associate the word "failure" with negative feelings. However, if you are one of the few people who don't mind failing, your definition of failure is different than most. In business, failure for some is more like a directional signal on the highway of an entrepreneurial journey rather than a negative experience. Additionally, if you aren't making any mistakes - also called failures - it may mean you're taking the safe route ...

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How Franchising Helps with Making Decisions

While the average adult makes 35,000 decisions a day, the average entrepreneur may make twice that number! OK, 70,000 decisions a day might be a bit of an exaggeration, but that's because every decision entrepreneurs make has a rippling effect that usually impacts personnel, operations, customers, and the entire business. So maybe the decisions aren't twice as many... they just feel twice as impactful!

So, how do most entrepreneurs go about making decisions? How do they not ...

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